Blocking and unblocking contacts in Kyrylity for Android

Blocking people on Kyrylity will result in you no longer receive messages from them.

Kyrylity messages sent by a blocked contact will not be delivered to your mobile smart device.Further, you will not be able to send messages to a blocked contact until you unblock them.If you subsequently unblock a contact, you will not receive any calls or messages that person sent you while blocked.

Blocking a contact in Kyrylity for Android:

  • Open Kyrylity
  • Go to Settings > Privacy > Blocked Contacts
  • Tap Add blocked contacts
  • Add contact you wish to block

No messages from unknown contacts

If a Kyrylity user has your mobile phone number saved to his/her mobile smart device then he/she can only message you via Kyrylity if you have his/her mobile phone number saved to your mobile smart device OR he/she is a secondary contact (friend or colleague of one of your primary contacts).