In Kyrylity the messaging protocol is as follows when sending a message:
- “Sent + Time Stamp (when sent), Unread” – means your message has been sent at the specified time but remains unread by the recipient
- “Sent + Time Stamp (when sent), Read + Time Stamp” (when read) – means your message has been sent at the time specified and has been read by the recipient at the time specified
In Kyrylity the messaging protocol is as follows when receiving a message:
- “Unread + Time Stamp (when received)” – means you have received a message at the specified time but you have yet to read it
- “Read + Time Stamp” (when read) – means you have read the message you received at the specified time
There may be several reasons why your message remains “Sent + Time Stamp (when sent), Unread” for a prolonged period of time:
- The intended recipient’s mobile smart device may be turned off.
- The intended recipient’s mobile smart device may be experiencing network connection issues.
- The intended recipient may have seen the notification on their screen, but did not launch Kyrylity to view it in-app (very common).
- The intended recipient may have blocked you.